Article written by: Patricia Smith
I remember in my early days of being a young driver of my first car, and eons before cell phones, GPS, and even before Map Quest; preparing to take a road trip took a lot of planning and confidence. My dad and others who were familiar with the route I would need to take would try to tell me the way without using street names or accurate estimates of mileage. Because I didn’t trust my sense of direction on winding and hilly roads, nor did I trust myself to remember to turn right or left after the third red barn or the cornfield with the scarecrow that wore a plaid shirt, I’d end up purchasing a road map at a gas station or asking for directions along the way. But a road map didn’t always have or show the roads I needed to navigate. I do remember once, when I was traveling through the rural countryside of SC on my way to find the nearest interstate highway and getting lost, a stranger stopped to offer verbal directions. However, after recognizing the confusion and uncertainty on my face, he said, “just follow me” and “I will lead you to the interstate”. I cannot describe how relieved I felt at that moment. How much easier it was to trust and follow a stranger without thought of bodily harm, or anything else but getting to my destination! However, in the scriptures when Jesus says, “Follow me,”, I believe it was an invitation for a “road trip” of a lifetime. Unlike my road experience, Jesus is not a stranger. He knows us, loves us, and wants a relationship with us. And the destination isn’t an interstate highway. It is the opportunity to establish a relationship, to be in His presence and with Him in eternity forever.
“Follow Me.” Jesus used these two simple words, found many times in the Gospels, when He called Peter, Andrew, James, and John to be His disciples. “And immediately they left their nets and followed Him”. Jesus called the tax collector Matthew in a similar manner. Jesus said to him, “Follow Me!” “And he arose and followed Him”.
They followed with confidence, without thought of bodily harm and even without thought of what they might be leaving behind. We now know that Jesus’ words meant an immediate detachment from their personal interests, and an attachment to Christ.
Implied in the call of Jesus was a turning from sin to Him in order to be saved.
Similarly, to my road trip experience of being lost without a map – I chose to follow the good Samaritan offering to show me the way, now, or risk staying lost out in the boonies.
Jesus also told Peter, “Follow Me!” Jesus had risen from the dead, while the disciples were on a fishing trip. Though there are many other references to individuals following Jesus, His words were not just for His twelve disciples; they are also for us today. Discipleship means following Jesus in a personal way. “Follow Me!” is a call to obedience. It is not just an invitation, but an imperative command. Those who heard the words of Jesus immediately left everything to follow Him. It was a costly decision for some because the scriptures say, “they immediately left the possessions and their family and followed Him”. Matthew also left his profitable tax business.
Believers who die to self and to things of the world are authentic Jesus followers who obey the call. Though the rich young ruler heard the call and realized that Jesus was his rightful Lord and Master, he refused to follow Him. Faithful believers must enter into a life of obedience to Christ no matter the cost.
On another occasion Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me”, because sheep are in the habit of listening to the Shepherd’s voice and following Him. Jesus used this illustration of the shepherd who calls his sheep, and they hear his voice, and they go out following the shepherd because they know His voice. However, sheep will not follow a stranger (like I did on that country road) because they do not know the voice of the strangers.
Jesus promises to give “eternal life to them” that follow Him, “and we shall never perish, nor shall we be snatched out of His hand”. Should we doubt this truth, Jesus went on to say in the next verse, “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand”, either.
Jesus also said, ” I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me”. So, when Jesus bids us to come and follow Him, I encourage all of us to hear His voice, turn away from our old life of sin, trust, obey and follow Him to eternal life.
And if we have not yet heard His call to “Follow Him”—It’s high time to put on our listening ears, because there is no other Way. Jesus is our road map. We must follow Him.
Bible References
Matthew 4:19-22
Matthew 9:9-13
John 21:19-22
John 10:27-29
John 10:3-5
Matthew 16:24-25
Written by,
Patricia Smith
Grandmothers of Hope Society Ministry, Inc.